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Agnivesha - Institute of Ayurveda


About Ayurveda

Ayurveda has been offering a complete holistic health care to people since ages. Rather than medications it offers a lot including diet and lifestyle.

स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं, आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं।

(चरक संहित सूत्र ३०।२६​)

Supreme Scholar of Ayurveda - Acharya Charaka opines that the objective of ayurveda is to maintain positive health of a healthy person and to cure the disease of the patient.

The concept of ‘being in balance’ is an integral and the core principle in Ayurveda. Perfect health, according to Ayurveda, is a balance between the body, mind, soul, and social wellbeing.

The Sanskrit word for health, ‘svastha’, is a state in which the mind, body, and soul interact harmoniously to experience a feeling of self, wellness, and even bliss. This state of the body and mind happens only when the 3 doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha are in balance or in your original constituent state. Ayurveda aims at getting this state of swasthya by making use of elegant, insightful and effective tools and techniques, easily and effortlessly.


Panchakarma means 5 Therapeutic procedures. They are basically meant for shodhana or purification of the body.

The 5 panchakarma procedures include

  • Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis)
  • Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation)
  • Nasya (Nasal Instillation)
  • Basti (Medicated Enema)
  • Raktamokshana (Bloodletting)

All these procedures will be done taking into account various factors like nature of the illness, condition of the patient etc.



  • Naimithika Rasayana – Disease specific Rejuvenation
  • Vajikarana – Aphrodisiac Therapy
  • Samana Chikitsa- Internal medications
  • Oorjaskara – Immunity enhancement


  • Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis)
  • Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)
  • Nasya (Nasal administration of medicated oils)
  • Raktamoksha (Bloodletting)
  • Vasthi (Therapeutic Enema)


  • Abhyanga
  • Bashpa/Nadi swedam
  • Udwarthanam
  • Sneha Pana
  • Choorna pinda sweda
  • Jambeera Pinda swedam
  • Patra pottali Swedam
  • Shashtika Shali Pinda Swedam
  • Dhanyamla Dhara
  • Shiro Basthi
  • Shiro Dhara
  • Janu Basti/Kati Basti

Pre natal care

  • Yoni Pichu
  • Anuvasana Basthi
  • Yoni Dhoopanam

Post natal care

  • Abhyanga
  • Shiro Dhara
  • Veshtanam


  • Agni karma (Cauterization)
  • Kshara Karma (Caustic Therapy)
  • Jaluka (Leech Therapy)
  • Sira Vyadhana (Venesection)

Brief Description of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a complete system of medicine in which all the branches of modern science can be identified in a more holistic form. The motto of the treatment in Ayurveda being treatment of one part of the body but without disturbing the rest of the body. This is called the complete treatment for that a human body is considered as one single unit including the mind. Hence somatic and psychosomatic disease will be best treated in Ayurveda.

Though treatment of disease is one part of the ayurveda, it will be the responsibility that once cured should not reoccur, hence preventive treatments and therapies are advised for the same. This is best achieved by the diet and regimen advises.Disease specific diet and regimen as well as exercise can be followed for the prevention. This is the unique feature of Ayurveda.

As it is a fast advancing technological era, the disease prevalence was supposed to be reduced but it is not. Still disease exists and it should be treated accordingly. For the same many modalities of treatment are used such as Shodhana (Detoxification), Shamana(Palliative), Rasayana(Disease Specific Rejuvenation), and many more.

Ayurveda relies on natural ingredients such as herbs, minerals and organic substances to prepare medicines and to perform treatments. This focus on natural healing, minimizes the risk of side effects and encourages the body's innate ability to heal itself. For the same the medicine we dispense are from the certified and genuine company to offer the best result possible.

Scope of Ayurveda

Ayurveda has lots to offer to individuals as well as society. May it be the treatment for the individual or may it be the prevention and rejuvenation for the community. It is based on the principle that a healthy individual makes a healthy family, a healthy family makes a Healthy community, a healthy community makes a healthy society and healthy society makes a strong nation.

It caters to all health needs of the society such as cure or regression in disease condition, purification in chronic illnesses, promotion of health in healthy individuals. Thus 8 branch of Ayurveda that is Kayachikitsa(Internal medicine), Bala chikitsa(Pediatrics), Graha Chikitsa(Psychiatric and Psychosomatic treatment), Shalakya(Diseases of neck and above part), Shalya chikitsa(Surgical Intervention), Agada(Toxicology), Jara(Rejuvenation) Vrushya(Reproductive medicine). These are the eight branches which aid the complete health of a person.

In recent years, Ayurveda has gained attention worldwide, leading to increased research and scientific exploration of its principles and practices. Though science existed for thousands of years there are many things that are lost and extinct, such as literature and practices. Which creates some vacuum. This vacuum has the potential to unlock new insights and integrate Ayurvedic knowledge with modern health care practices.

Panchakarma (Penta Detoxification)

Five therapeutic treatments that are used for removing the toxins off the body. They are called panchakarma. They are Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, Raktamokshana.

1.Vamana : Achieving the detoxification from the oral route, that is inducing the therapeutic emesis is called vamana. It is best indicated in the disease of the upper trunk or specifically indicated in the diseases of the morbid “Kapha dosha”. Prescribed in Diseases of the Respiratory tract, diseases of Upper Gastrointestinal tract.

2. Virechana : Achieving the detoxification from the anal route by inducing the therapeutic purgation is called Virechana. It is best indicated in the diseases of morbid “Pitta Dosha”. Best prescribed in ailments of the lower Gastrointestinal Tract and lower limbs.

3. Basti : Rectal deposition of the medicine for the absorption from the lower Gastrointestinal tract is called Basti. It is best indicated in Morbid “Vata dosha” diseases. To name some such as neurological diseases may it be the central nervous system or Peripheral nervous system.

4. Nasya : Nasal instillation of the medicine is called as Nasya. It is indicated in the diseases of the head and neck. It is best prescribed in the diseases such as stroke syndrome, vascular headache, Migraine headache, sinusitis etc.

5. Raktamokshana : blood letting from various methods such as venesection, scrapping, vacuum cupping or leech application all comes under this. It is kind of localized detoxification where other detoxification are not the procedure of choice and most superficial diseases such as skin diseases, varicose vein etc.

The above are panchakarma which are used depending on the specificity and location of the disease and its morbid dosha. The abhyanga(therapeutic massage) and sweda(steaming), and other modalities of the procedure are called as upakarma which are used individually or as preparation for the Panchakarma.

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